vendredi 30 septembre 2011

Final Post

I really enjoyed writing this blog. I have had several blogs in the past, particularly while I was traveling and living in France. But this was a different kind of blog (as the other ones were more like diaries) and so I liked the challenge of coming up with a different type of post each week. While I did often struggle coming up with original ideas, I hope that ultimately I was able to vary my posts while still focusing on food. 

I definitely preferred this type of assignment to a regular hard copy assignment because I enjoyed the freedoms that came with posting on your own time (so long as it was before the deadline). I enjoyed researching different areas of French food for each blog and learning how to use French websites. I think I was able to encounter a wide range of vocabulary through this activity then if I had just been told to do the required activities. 

There were some difficulties with the blog and these were: originality for each post, length (I always wrote too much!) and finding appropriate sources. What wasn't a struggle and rather was something I enjoyed a lot, and that was reading and commenting on others blogs.

Overall, I enjoyed this learning activity and would recommend it to others.

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